Account Application Information

Let’s look at the preview on the bottom right, we’ll notice that it is not displaying anything. This is because we haven’t yet implemented the useAccountApplicationInformation hook in our React application.

To address this, we’ll call the useAccountApplicationInformation hook to handle the fetch call in the editor on the top right.

import { useAccountApplicationInformation } from '@awesome-algorand/react-query';
export function AccountApplicationInformationViewer() {
const data = {address: "BMG2OPCDNEVFG5LW4S6GT33PPEWXVJD7XEDLTED4BFWN5M4HXLZNCK3EWY", applicationId: 62368684}
const query = {isLoading: true, isError: false, error: undefined, data: undefined};
if(query.isLoading) return <div>Loading...</div>
if(query.isError) return <div>Error: {query.error.message}</div>
return (
<h2>Round: { || "Unknown"}</h2>
<pre>{JSON.stringify(["app-local-state"], null, 2)}</pre>
Preparing Environment
  • Installing dependencies
  • Cleaning up packages
  • Injecting workspace packages
  • Starting http server